Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Couple of Days with Dawn V. Cahill

Hello again! I have awesome news that's gonna tickle you sapphire. I was able to book Dawn V. Cahill for a two day visit this week, and I know you're gonna love her from the get go. She has a really awesome book series running that compliment each other and make for great reading. Check out her latest release: Sapphire Secrets.

Filled with mystery, romance, and unforgettable characters, Sapphire Secrets is the story of a Seattle woman’s relentless pursuit of truth and God’s power to heal and transform broken lives. 

Twins Livy and DeeDee McCreary open a dance studio in honor of their late mother, whom they lost when they were six. Problem is, Livy remembers nothing of the day her mother died. The more she questions her family about that awful day, the more she suspects she’s been lied to all her life. While she’s seeking answers to what really happened, she keeps crossing paths with handsome engineer Scott Lorenzo, who compels her to question the New Age philosophy she was raised on. What if there is a personal God out there who cares about her? 

Before Livy can discover answers, a brutal accident interrupts her search. Her life flips upside down as she faces a future she is not prepared for. Yet the unanswered questions continue to haunt her. Can she find the strength to keep on with her quest, even if it means losing the two people most dear to her—her twin, and the man she loves? 

By the way, Sapphire Secrets was a 2015 Finalist, ACFW First Impressions Contest!

So, who is the woman behind the book? And as you have come to expect, I'll ask her questions that no one else will think to ask, so let's get started....

Thank you for stopping by for a quick interview. Let's start with who you are:

What is your favorite childhood memory?
When my sisters and I made up impromptu plays…costumes and all. I remember “Red Coats Blue Coats,” in which we played soldiers from opposite sides, getting all dramatic with our theatrical greetings and tearful goodbyes. J Sometimes we even attracted an audience!

What is your favorite Christmas memory?
When our grandma sent us Christmas boxes, usually with identical dresses for my older sister and me… blue for her, red for me. (Funny how the red/blue theme kept repeating itself in my childhood!)

What was your favorite toy?
It’s a tie between Spirograph, Creepy Crawlies, and my brother’s Hotwheel set.

Who was your secret crush as a teenager?
Now if I told you, it wouldn’t be secret anymore!

What was the first car you owned?
An old beater, early-model Toyota that needed a lot of fixing up!

Where did you grow up?
Various spots on the left, I mean West, Coast.

You have a passion to help single moms. How did you come to develop that passion?
Raising three sons largely alone was THE HARDEST, most grueling job I will ever, ever do or will ever do. I wouldn’t have survived without a support network. And my sons wouldn’t have grown up relatively normal and healthy had God not heard my cries for help. If not for prayer & God’s guidance, my sons might have ended up as just another statistic. So now I want to pay it back and share encouragement with other single moms who struggle with simple, day-to-day basics like I did.

What makes you really, really mad?
When divorced women turn their kids against their dad.  Nothing makes me more furious. Children, especially sons, need their dads, even if the parents are no longer together. In my blog, it’s one of the things I caution women against. Because once the tie with their dad is severed, there’s no going back.

What is your biggest disappointment from your childhood? That I didn’t have any allies except my best friend.

Okay, we have a sense of who you are. Now let's talk about your book:

Is your book appropriate for young teens? Probably. It does contain a romance thread, which might be a little beyond their scope.

Which of your books is your favorite?
I only have two published so far. I would pick my newest one, Sapphire Secrets, the full-length novel. The other is a short prequel, an appetizer, you could say, for the main course.

Are there things you would change about your published stories?
Shh…don’t tell anyone, but I tweaked and re-uploaded Sapphire Secrets four times before I was happy with the end result. And, I revised When Lyric Met Limerick with edited content and a new cover. I’m much happier with the new, improved version.

Who gets credit for your really awesome cover art?
The talented Dineen Miller!

If you couldn’t be a writer, what would you do to release your creativity?
I would choreograph dance.

Can we get autographed copies?
Sure, if I can figure out how to autograph Kindle copies.

Lightning Round:

Coke or Pepsi? Water (sorry, I’m boring)
Biscuits and gravy or protein shake? Protein Shake
Lost or Lost in Space? Lost in Space
Pride and Prejudice or Little Women? Little Women
Dogs or cats? Both
Fishing or Hunting? Ugh L
Double dating or staying at home? Double-dating
Mac or IBM? Mac
SUV or Prius? Prius
10 million dollars or a time machine? 10 mil

Mega church with lots of stuff or small country church with ancient pews? Little Country Church on the edge of town (remember the band Love Song?)

Dawn, thank you so much for stopping by. And tomorrow we will have a special treat. I understand she has the twins with her, and we will have a chance to watch her interact with her favorite characters! 

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